World Book Day message - and the final lockdown writing challenge

Hi everyone,

Here you’ll find my last lockdown writing challenge, and a message for World Book Day. After this my blog will become less regular again and more focused on special news and updates. But if your children or students - or you - could do with some creative distraction you’ll still be able to find the challenges on past posts, and right here, for a little while longer!

World Book Day:

Happy World Book Day for Thursday! All I’d like to say is this. Read however and whatever suits you. Read comics or classics, poetry or picture books, non-fiction or fan-fiction, hidden library gems or the latest shiny must-haves. Read old favourites and future-favourites. But whatever you do read, I hope you find something that moves you - something that lingers long after you’ve finished it. Because that means the story isn’t yet finished with you…


The last writing challenge:

Have you heard of the wood wide web? It’s an underground network of roots and mushrooms - yes, mushrooms! (well, fungi) - that trees use to communicate with one another and share their resources. Which is nothing short of amazing, don’t you think!? My challenge to you is: write down a conversation between trees. What would they talk to each other about? Are they making casual chit-chat or is there something urgent, scary or exciting going on? Does one of them have a squirrel tickling their branches or a bad case of the beetles? Have fun and go wild!

It’s been such a great pleasure to come up with these writing challenges, and I hope you’ve enjoyed them too. Maybe one day I’ll bring them back in some capacity or other. Until then - much love.

Reading, writing and... Mars?

Hi everyone.

Welcome back to my Monday mini-blog - which had a half term break and has returned as a mid-week mini-blog instead. I’ve been putting together a weekly writing challenge (bar last week) to provide a little creative distraction to children who’re at home - and anyone else who’d like to have a go. Previous challenges are here. And, for a change, I’ve recorded today’s as a video! Let me know what you think!

What I’m writing:

I always love it when authors put out a bonus short story or comic set in the same world as their books just for fun. It feels like such a treat. How about you - do you enjoy that too? Well, if the answer is yes (which I hope it is) then watch this space. Because I may have something up my sleeve, coming soon…

Reading and to-be-reads:

I’ve just finished Malamander by Thomas Taylor and let me tell you, it’s witty, thrilling (and, of course, supremely eerie) in all the right places: a truly rare and masterful creature. I’ve now started on Joseph Elliott’s second book in the Shadow Skye trilogy, The Broken Raven. I’m thrilled to be spending time with characters Agatha and Jaime again, as well as newcomer Sigrid, and the tension’s already rising!

Writing challenge:

Check out my video below for a prompt that I hope helps you spark some other-worldly story ideas!

Check out a video I made via Loom

Video transcript:

My writing challenge for you this week is all based around the Mars Rover that landed the other week and all the cool pictures it's been sending back. I just thought it was really awesome that it's on a whole new planet and is up there exploring things we've never seen before. So here's the writing challenge. Imagine that this Rover has moved on a little way over Mars, and it's taken some pictures and sent them back to earth. And the scientists are opening up these pictures right now. What do they see? There's something truly shocking in one of the pictures! That thing is completely up to you to decide: is it bones of some kind or even a live alien creature - or something completely different? Maybe it could be something completely random, like a teapot. It's also up to you to figure out why it's there…

Advance copy of Nevertell

Nevertell is my debut novel. Which means I am completely new to this process, and every stage of the journey towards publication is more or less a surprise. Which also means I had nooooooo idea I would be getting a copy of Nevertell through the post in advance of its release date in November. But in spite of my ignorance, that’s exactly what happened today.

I’ll be honest. I had a moment when I pulled it out of the envelope when I thought, am I going to cry? But then I had to remove it from my kid before he turned it into a telescope, so that soon passed. It is beautiful though. The title is coppery and shiny. SHINY, I tell you.

Needless to say I’m completely stoked, and can’t wait to see this out in the world. I hope you love it as much as I do.
